I know their "but Lord where shall we go" mentality. Part of me feels like I know their countermeasures and they don't stand a chance.
John 6:68 Lord, to WHOM shall we go? You have the sayings of everlasting life.
JW's like to say "WHERE" shall we go? " indicating that there is no other place or organization for them to turn to. The actual question was, "To WHOM shall we go? indicating that being associated with Jesus was the issue rather than with a certain organization. Individuals can still be associated with Jesus, without being JW's.
But my family and I (including an elementary school age child) would like to settle on a great one liner when approached by JW's who have been our friends for many years.
Q.) What's going on with you? Are you still attending meetings ?
A.) Without going into a lot of detail, I'll say that for us, there was a perfect storm of personal and organizational events that made us reexamine our long held religious beliefs and it was during that reexamination that we came across information regarding the organization and it's practices as well as the history of its doctrinal changes. Things that every JW should know before being baptized.
Q.) Like what?
A.) Again, I'm not going to go in to detail, but for anyone making any type of important life decision, all of the information they need to make an informed choice is now available to them so that unlike us, they're able to know what they need to know, up front.
For us,once we knew better, we did better.